Posts Tagged ‘wall mount shelving’

The Evolution of the Wall Shelf

February 13, 2009


If you were to look around in homes and offices, it would be easy to spot a wall shelf or two and in a wide range of styles, colors, and styles.  While shelving is common around the world, few people have any idea of the history of the wall shelf.  For those who appreciate learning about the origin of common items, you will enjoy this article and perhaps look at the way you purchase your next wall shelf a little differently.  In fact, for people who want to purchase antiques or replicas for an era period home, understanding the history of the wall shelf could even help in finding the perfect accessory.


In looking back throughout history, there has always been some type of compartment on which everyday items and collectibles were placed but typically, these “shelves” were rustic and not what we would consider an actual wall shelf.  Initially, bookshelves were invented as an actual piece of furniture used for books, figurines, vases, and other display items.  Obviously, bookshelves continue to be designed, made, and sold around the world but people realized that this particular type of shelving was too large for some homes or rooms.


One of the earlier types of wall shelf locker was from the Russian Jacob Empire.  Created by the French maker, George Jacob, this was a shelving unit made from 1780 to 1810.  The intricate French style was a favorite on the Russian market with its rich mahogany wood and brass trimmings.  Another of the older wall shelf pieces comes from China where beautiful shelves were made.  The Chippendale was also made from mahogany with amazing detailing and a mirrored backing.  Made between 1930 and 1940, this shelf was made with crown molding that offered a secure way of displaying favorite photographs.


Over the years, inventors realized a simple wall shelf could be made that would work for small areas.  Working to come up with a design that would appeal to the public, United States patent number 7028619 was secured for a personal display shelf made with a vertical support surface base.  Also with this patent design was a horizontal transparent shelf made so the outside supports would not be seen.  The goal with this particular design was to have a wall shelf that was beautiful but also strong enough to hold perfume bottles, as well as heavier collectibles.


Since the time of the first simple yet functional wall shelf, we have seen virtually hundreds of different styles.  Today, wall shelving comes in unique designs, various sizes, woods and other materials, hanging options, stains, and other characteristics that make each special.  Because shelving is in such high demand, this product can be found in almost any department or retail store.  Of course, the wall shelf can also be found online, which creates new opportunities by being able to shop for shelving from around the world.



Tips for Installing Wall Mounted Shelving

February 8, 2009

After shopping around, you finally found the perfect wall mounted shelving  system but now, you are unsure how to install it.  Remember, even if you are not overly handy, you can always do the installation on your own simply by knowing how.  Of course, the other option would be to spend even more money hiring someone to do the installation for you but why.  As you will discover, wall mounted shelving units are made today so they are much easier to install, perfect for any homeowner.


What you will discover is that installing wall mounted shelving is not that difficult.  Of course, if you have chosen a large or heavy shelving unit then you would likely need the help of a friend.  Once your new shelf is up, the room will look amazing and you will have a much more functional way to show off your favorite collectibles.


  • Start by making sure the wall on which the wall mounted shelves will be installed is cleared of any artwork and if you plan to do any painting, this should be done first.


  • Next, get all the needed tools together.  Depending on the wall mounted shelves purchased, you may be provided with an instructional sheet that tells you the tools needed but if not, you will probably need a level, pencil, screws, and screwdriver (with appropriate bit head).


  • Typically, people install wall mounted shelves so they are centered on a wall but the most important thing is to find the wall studs.  This can be done with an inexpensive stud finder or you can gently tap on the wall with a hammer or the end of a screwdriver, listening for a solid sound.  Areas of the wall that sound hollow do not have studs.  The reason this is important is that you want the screws to go into the wood studs, which is what gives the shelving stability and security.


  • Next, determine the appropriate space between where the mounts will go, making a small mark with the pencil.


  • With the level, check the marks just made to be sure they are level so once the mounts and brackets are installed and shelves hung, they will be perfect.  Simply make any adjustments on your pencil marks for the next step.


  • With the pencil marks in place, mount the standards to the wall and attach the brackets.


  • Once the brackets are screwed firmly in place, all you need to do is place the wall mounted shelves on the brackets and adjust so they are sitting in the right position.


  • As soon as the wall mounted shelves are on the brackets, you are ready to start organizing the items you want displayed.  Remember, wall mounted shelves can be hung as standalone or multiple units that are symmetrical or staggered, depending on the look you prefer.

The Diversity of the Finished Wall Shelf

January 10, 2009

Although not everyone is an avid viewer of home improvement shows, I am sure that almost everyone has spent at least 5 minutes watching some form of home design show or other.  They are slightly addictive and the designers come up with these diverse rooms that reflect the tastes of the individual home owners. 

But what exactly does a home design show have to do with finished wall shelves.  Well, actually, everything since many designers goes out of their way to create interesting, beautiful and functional spaces by incorporating wall shelving into the space.  Okay, maybe the designers build some pretty elaborate shelves on their own but did you know that the finished wall shelf has reached new heights of diversity and you don’t need a degree in interior design to use them.

With all the exposure to wall shelves on television, it is no surprise that consumers are buying into the whole wall shelf craze that is hitting interior design.  No longer are wall shelves horrible looking metal monstrosities and they have become beautiful works of art that are functional for any space.

When it comes to wall shelves, you can find just about anything from floating corner shelves to intricate tiered wall shelves.  You can also find wall shelves for any space such as the bathroom, the kitchen or even as a floating corner shelf in the front hall for keys and other odds and ends.  The use is limitless when it comes to wall shelf units.

As a consumer, you will probably be tempted by many of the seemingly “cheaper” products that are available at home supplies stores and in some cases, there is a rhyme and reason for going with products from a home supply store.  However, a finished wall shelf takes your decorating to new levels of luxury with a very small price increase, sometimes no price increase after you take into account the price of staining your home supply shelf and buying the hardware for mounting. 

A finished wall shelf comes in a variety of finishes from rich oak wall shelves that would offer texture and storage space in a cluttered home office to stone style garden shelves that would look wonderful in a garden room or a bright sun room.  There are even painted wall shelves that could provide any girl with wall shelving units that reflect her taste in all things pink.

But besides the colors, you can find a use for any finished wall shelf.  Floating shelves, which can be found in floating corner shelves and corner wall shelf units, can be used for anything from decorations to storing recipe books in the kitchen or toiletries in the bathroom.  Regular wall shelves can also be used for everything and anything and all it takes is the creativity of the buyer to figure out the use of the wall shelves.

You are probably thinking right now that the unpainted wall shelving units that you can purchase can be just as diverse but the one thing that finished wall shelves offer is diversity without the hassle, and in today’s busy society, isn’t that what we all want.